Leadership With A Purpose
Motivating Your Engineers
Robert D. Murphy, Author
Lead With Confidence. Master The Art Of Motivation.
Leadership With A Purpose is a book about cultivating sincere engineering cultures that empower and perform.
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Here’s How To Lay The Foundation For An Inspiring Engineering Culture
Wondering how to promote teamwork and improve performance in your engineering working environment? Want to establish a healthy workplace culture that will keep your team happy, productive, and engaged in their project?
Presenting "Leadership With A Purpose: Motivating Your Engineers" By Robert D. Murphy - An Eye-Opening Business Leadership Book To Gain A Better Understanding Of What It Takes To Build & Maintain A Successful Executive Leadership.
Engineering leadership can be a tough nut to crack. From project management and career development to business management and employee happiness, you must face multiple challenges in your effort to inspire professionals. The key to becoming an impactful leader and setting up your team for success lies in creating a people-first engineering culture based on shared responsibility, collective accountability, continuous learning, and continuous improvement.
This insightful leadership book will walk you through the cornerstones of an inspiring engineering culture, allowing you to empower and support technology professionals.
By the end of the engineering leadership book, you will be able to: 👉 Learn About The Engineering Culture & Keep Your Employees Motivated 👉 Educate Yourself On Hands-On Leadership & Future Leadership Topics 👉 Identify Your Management Style 👉 Find Out How To Build A Team & Create Cohesion And Unity - Be It With A Virtual Or A Multicultural Group Of People
And That Is Not All
Most other engineering leadership books fail to introduce you to the concept of engineering culture. Unlike these guides, "Leadership With A Purpose" is a game-changing book with everything you need to cultivate a trust-based work environment with collectively shared values that will keep employees loyal and satisfied in the long run.
What Are You Still Waiting For?
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The Reviews: Everyone Loves This Book!

Robert D. Murphy
Throughout multiple leadership roles, Robert noticed one secret ingredient that made all the difference in the propensity of any business— company culture.

Crypto Flight LLC
A technology and executive consulting agency that specializes in cloud computing and software development in the areas of finance, government, block chain, publishing and aviation.
Improve Engineering Leadership. Motivate & Inspire.
Pick up the best book for helping build your engineering team culture. Nobody leaves companies, they leave managers -- dont be the manager that's left behind.
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About the Author
When asked about the greatest motivation in his life, Robert Murphy reflected upon his career and dedicated that title to his mother. At the young age of 14, he stepped into the world of software engineering as an amateur programmer. Robert’s mother wholeheartedly supported his ventures, and he eventually became an entrepreneur of online text-based games. It was the combination of early-on successes and his mother’s undying encouragement that fueled his ambition and passion for the industry.
Backed by years of experience within the technology sector, Robert has served in various capacities that added to his prowess in software engineering, business development, team building, and people management. He has built his own successful businesses from the ground up and played a pivotal part in the growth of other companies. Throughout multiple leadership roles, Robert noticed one secret ingredient that made all the difference in the propensity of any business— company culture.
Celebrated for his people-first leadership style, Robert was often referred to as ‘The King of Culture’ by a previous employer. From proper recognition and compensation to expert-level professional development, he became renowned for his ability to develop staff talent and leverage that expertise for the betterment of any company. Robert once experienced the strife many inexperienced leaders face in the software engineering field, including apathetic and unmotivated team members.
With a passion for helping others, Robert has now turned his attention to helping leaders within the technology field establish healthy company cultures and motivate intelligent but underperforming, engineering professionals. Although Leadership with a Purpose: Motivating Your Engineers is his first book, he has written numerous blog posts and case studies on the subject.
When he is away from the office, Robert enjoys relaxing by heading outdoors to fish or hunt. As a pilot, he also loves dedicating much of his time to maintaining his skills as an aviator. Even when he is not working, Robert is consistently researching his industry to stay updated on today’s best practices in engineering and proven trends in culture building.
Solve Attrition Today. Read This Book.
This book will cover what makes an engineering culture, how to cultivate it, and how to build trust with your teams. After reading this book, you can effectively motivate, inspire and lead engineering professionals of all levels that are happy and loyal to you.
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